16 Valuable Skills Teens Should Learn

If you are a parent to a teen, you already know that you aren’t just in a different ball game…you are in a whole new league.

Honestly, I thought raising teens was going to be muy dificil but so far, it really hasn’t been and I think that is for many reasons relating to me just letting a lot go from the very beginning and remembering what it is like to be a teen. That’s for another day though!

All that said, there are certain things we want our teens to know and certain skills we want them to develop, am I right? I think this generation of parents is awesome because we recognize how some of the arbitrary things we “learned” were really outdated, unnecessary, and took up valuable time we could have been using to learn actual, real-world skills.

Having grown up in fast-pace changing tech world, there are some skills that are newer and will continue to change and there are others which are not necessarily new, but are just now being considered as incredibly important and valuable because of the consequences of growing up in a tech-heavy world.

So some things I have worked hard to teach to my teens and skills that every teen should learn are:

  1. How to vet information and think critically. Nobody wants their teen thinking The Onion is real, yea?

  2. How to create a realistic budget and stick to it. We don’t create budgets that are unrealistic nor too difficult. Use that tech and work together to teach them what a budget is, why it’s there, and all the different ways they can be utilized.

  3. How to point out and parse through logical fallacies. Whew! This one is hard but I love this site and using social media comments as a starting point.

  4. How to create and enact boundaries for their mental well-being. Something that I wish I was taught so hard. Creating boundaries with family, friends, peers, and work is integral to a long, happy life and to changing societal expectations.

  5. How to express themselves through authentically dress for certain events/venues. We express our personalities, interests, and likes through our clothes. Some of us even are limited due to size, sensory issues, and climate. Often, certain places want us to dress a certain way. How can we honor ourselves, break down norms, and still be aligned with a community goal. I love the subject of style because it can seem vapid, but it matters!

  6. How to manage their time efficiently. This one is so complicated for us ADHDers but having strategies is super important. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach and that is why I love working with teens so they can find the best strategy for them so they have plenty of time to balance their responsibilities with joy.

  7. How to communicate effectively. At the root of every relationship problem is a misunderstanding. I believe communication is a locked skill for many people. That’s why teens need it even more!

  8. How to read nutrition labels to actually nourish their bodies and minds. There’s so much diet culture non-sense out there, that it can be difficult to know what certain foods gift our bodies or how they can make us feel different ways. Understanding vitamins, protein, etc. can demystify that for teens.

  9. How to plan for the future and set goals. I am not talking about locking down a career but I feel it is helpful to have a vision and real actionable steps to take to meet those goals. I struggled so much with that because I didn’t know how to make the vision a reality.

  10. How to speak in public settings. Public speaking is everywhere even if it isn’t a big crowd. Having some knowledge of why and how to communicate in groups can relieve some of the anxiety around it. Some.

  11. How to plan a meal and snacks. Not only can this help our bodies feel great by ensuring we don’t skip important meals, but it can help us stay within budget…and impress our friends!

  12. How to clean fast but efficiently. I know it seems silly, but cleaning hacks are always in style!

  13. How to deal with customer service. Hey, they are people too! How can we make sure we get our needs met while still remaining respectful to customer service workers?

  14. How to write a resume. The work landscape is always changing so being able to write a resume that has us shining will be met with enthusiasm.

  15. How to recognize and manage their stress. Honestly, this should be number one! Want a long life with joy? Learn strategies to identify our emotions and take care of our stress whether that means quitting that job, exercising more, going to therapy, etc.

  16. How to take care of themselves physically and mentally. Need I say more?

If you like these, consider grabbing our “Life Skills for Teens” curriculum linked below (just click on the image!)

Life Skills for Teens Unit Study & Curriculum
Sale Price:$9.99 Original Price:$19.00