How Is It Possible for Kids & Adults to Do Yoga Together? See Our Interview!


I love answering questions about Grow and in specific, about how I was confident in teaching both kids and adults yoga at the same time.

My answer was focused on current struggles in the typical U.S household, but I did want to take this opportunity to say that yoga was historically practiced by people of all ages in India and that families often practice together. It isn’t seen as difficult or weird because it is so integral to one’s spiritual and physical health and well-being, since very literally, yoga means to “yoke, or form a union” with the divine in, and outside of us. In yoga philosophy, children are already closer to the divine, and thus, yoga comes naturally to them. They are our greatest teachers!

Anyway, I felt it important to say that in order to honor the roots and history of yoga. And this informs why I, and many others, think family yoga is so important and how I know, deep down, that it is so needed. Families are over-stressed, over-burned, and under-connected to one another. Add in lack of physical activity and intentional relaxation, and you have the perfect recipe for burnout. Family yoga is one of the solutions to getting more exercise, learning to manage stress together, and spending more quality time together learning skills you can use for a lifetime.

So without keeping your eyes reading too much text, check out our interview with Buzz TV and see my more shorter answer below!