Best Snacks for Labor

Let’s face it: labor is called labor because it is one of the hardest things you’ll ever do! It requires exponential amounts of energy and that energy doesn’t just appear out of nowhere. You have to fuel your body to get through the entire ordeal. Plus, birth literally makes you hangry. So, so hangry. There is not a ton of evidence to avoid food in total either. While you probably should not eat an entire cheeseburger, snacks and liquids can be super helpful in coping with discomfort and giving you the fuel to make it to the finish line. So what should you eat? Your snacks need to be nutritionally rich, fairly quick to digest, and easy to carry around. In addition, you’ll want to choose food that only requires a tiny bit so you don’t get too full. Here are our favorite snacks to pack for you and your support team.

Our Favorite Snacks for Labor Are…

  1. Yogurt. This easily digestible protein-packed snack is perfect for the big day. Get a variety of flavors in case your favorite is suddenly not edible!

  2. Pita chips & hummus. Again, protein-rich, light, and a little bit carby, this snack is healthy and easy to fill up on!

  3. Chicken soup. Not as easily transportable, but grab that thermos and put it in there. It’s the ultimate comfort food. You could even have your partner pack the broth for extra nutrients if a liquid diet looks like it might become necessary.

  4. Cheese sticks. Easy to pack and easy to keep, cheese sticks are already portion-controlled for you!

  5. Nuts & dried fruit. All you need is about an ounce, or a handful, which makes nuts and seeds a great choice as you’ll have that extra boost of energy when you need it without filling up.

  6. Clementines (already peeled!). These are sweet, juicy, and give you that boost as they are so easy to eat and are light. Just be sure to have someone peel it for you if you are not feeling like doing that work!

  7. Applesauce. As close to liquid as you can get, applesauce is a great snack for labor and will make the care providers super happy!

  8. Honey sticks. These are birth professional’s fave rec because they are full of simple carbs for energy and are easy to carry. You can even get them in different flavors!

Have your support team help you put a list together and pack some of these snacks in the Igloo and birth bag. Just knowing that you have some food can make all the difference in your birth! What were your favorite snacks during labor? Share in the comments!

Nervous about the big day? Need to get prepared? Get set up with prenatal yoga and our signature birth class today!

*this post is not medical advice, please ask your doctor if you have questions regarding your specific circumstances