Are You Absorbing Your Kids' Stress?

Are you taking on your kiddo’s stress?

Kids experience stress just as adults do. For them, it is just as big, just as heavy, and just as disruptive to their life. We logically know this as parents. How often though do we feel the weight of their worries ourselves? We add theirs to ours, and whew, what a mess, right?

Do any of these sound like you and your kids?

  • Constantly thinking and asking “what if”….

  • Yelling and raised voices have replaced calm conversation

  • Hushed whispers with your partner so your little one doesn’t get more worried

  • Signing up for various activities only to not show up or drop out

  • Feeling the need to rescue your child from all discomfort or hardship

  • Depleting all of your energy reserves to fix every thing that is going wrong, even objectively minor things

  • Comparing your family to others on Facebook

  • Wondering out loud why everything seems so chaotic and difficult

  • Being exhausted literally all of the time but lying awake at night just in case your kiddo needs you

As a parent, this is common. It’s our duty to protect our kids, but moms and dads, it doesn’t work that way. Taking on their stress fully. Letting it creep into our being, overwhelming us, and consuming us is not helpful to our kids. And it isn’t healthy for the family. We’ve got to get it under control-only there to alert us-not to nag us incessantly.

So how are you gonna reclaim your happiness and calm? For you and your family?

That’s why we exist. Believe it or not, we have been there too (and sometimes find ourselves there again when we become unbalanced in our self-care and connection intentions). It’s as simple as taking an hour or two in your week to decompress with us, move the stress that is clinging to your muscles out and onto the mat, and laugh, cuddle, and look into your kiddo’s playful essence.

You’ll start noticing immediately how calm everyone feels and how you’re able to really help your kiddo manage their stress. You’ll be their guide through thick and thin, but first you’ve got to relinquish that grip yourself.

Wanna start releasing that stress now? Give us a call or email. We’re ready for you.

With kindness,
