3 Common Causes of Stress for Kids & How to Calm Them

A lot of times, kids start “acting out” or seem needier and it can take a few days to detect a pattern. We are pulling our hair out trying to figure out what their problem is and how we can fix it for them. Nothing seems to be super discernable or obvious, even if it is actually glaring us straight in the face! I have had these moments tons of time throughout my years as a mom, and after finally pinpointing why my kids are stressed out, and thus, their behavior showing it, I feel a little obtuse. Like, duh! That wasn’t so hard! Anyway, when we are in the thick of it, our own stress blocks us from seeing clearly. Here are three common causes of stress for kids and how to calm them when things hit the fan.

  1. Moving. It seems obvious, but moving is a huge source of stress for kids. They are uprooting their comfort, their hobbies and friends are changing, and they are questioning why this is happening to begin with-why can’t we just not do it? They may feel angry, they may grieve, and they may feel excited (and thus guilty). That alone is overwhelming. In addition, moving is just plain old stressful for adults logistically speaking. It’s a great idea to come up with a ritual together that lessens the stress and helps everyone embrace the wonderful change.

  2. Being bullied. Again, obvious, but it may not be at first. Sometimes, our children don’t even know what to call it, but they know something isn’t right and that they feel anxious going to school or their co-ops. It may not look like loud name-calling or hitting either. It’s just as critical to talk about what healthy friendships look like and how to set boundaries just as it is important to talk about what bullying is. We don’t know what is right by simply knowing what is wrong.

  3. Growing! Between the growing pains and the changing feelings that go with it, growing can be really stressful. Each cusp of a new age and new developmental milestone is not something our children just ignore! They can feel the differences and the increasing responsibilities, just like they can feel those Charlie horses. For some kids, this can cause anxiety because of the unknown/what awaits them and because they don’t know who they “should” be or how they should act. It is important we allow them to feel free from an early age to grow into who they organically grow to be!

Of course and as always, yoga is such an excellent tool to help kids and families manage stress. With lots of practice, down time, and creative expression, stress can be kept at healthy levels.

With love,
