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New to Yoga? Do These 3 Things!

Firstly congrats! You’re started on a wonderful journey of a complete, life-changing transformation. One that will impact they way you think, behave, and feel. That’s probably why you considered yoga in the first place. Maybe you heard it was good for the mind and your stress levels. Let me tell you…it is! Yoga is literally a practice of calming the mind. Making it quieter. More peaceful. But maybe you are overwhelmed at where to start. We have three important tips that should help you get started on this new path!

  1. Find a place that practices yoga. Duh? It seems redundant, but if you are wanting your brain to become less of a cacophony of random tasks shouting at you and if you’re wanting your outlook to be that of contentment, you need more than just physical movement. You need teachers who can lead you into self-discovery of patterns and habits that are causing you harm and discomfort, and you’ll appreciate learning about yoga philosophy as way to become more aligned with yourself and the world in which you live. Calling out poses isn’t quite enough to be yoga.

  2. Speak openly with your new teachers about your goals. What do you want to achieve by doing yoga? Why did you seek this specific place? How can they help you stay on track? While your teachers are not qualified to give any sort of clinical advice, they can help you formulate a plan to get the most out of your practice by helping you form a healthy connection to yourself and your goals in regards to yoga.

  3. Take it slow and resist the urge to “get results'“ or compare yourself. Follow positive yogis on Instagram and other social media channels who are making yoga accessible and authentic, not some sort of beauty contest. Show up to class with one expectation of listening to your body. After all, this is about tuning in and appreciating what your body and mind need to be nourished. There is no “pushing” here!

If you are new to yoga, remember these three things and you’ll be on your way to a calmer mind and blissful lifelong path in no time!