Winter Snowflake Meditation

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Happy new year! While it may be chilly outside, we are getting warm and cozy inside with this adorable winter-themed kids meditation. Remember to subscribe to "Curious Minds, Kind Hearts" on your preferred podcasting app and share on your social profiles. You can also help us in the continuation of production by becoming a Patron for a small donation (and some goods!) at Lastly, your 5 star reviews on Apple and Google are a huge win! Now...let's go on a mindful adventure...


[intro music]

Winter is the time of year we remember to rest. Do you ever feel like you or the adults you know are just...go, go GO! We all do and it can make us unhappy, unkind, and exhausted. In our first-ever full episode, we'll get cozy and learn to appreciate moving a little slower and a little less while we learn to embrace stillness and rest. Learning to slow down is an important skill for kids and this episode's meditation will do just that by including imagery of hibernating bears, snowflakes, and cozy (or hygge) activities. 


Winter is a time of less light, more night, and a perfect time to rest. Winter's sun is resting below the horizon and we are too. Lie down, grab your favorite pillow or stuffy, and a heavy blanket. Winter's cold breath teaches us to embrace rest and comfort every time he speaks. Let's listen to the soft and icy reminders to bunker down. To hibernate. And to move a little slower like the great Ursa. Imagine that you have just finished playing in the snow. Your yard is up to your knees in the soft and snowy crystals. The sun has gone to bed for the day and you too, have gone inside to the warmth and welcome of your kitchen, where you smell hot chocolate brewing. It smells sweet and delightful and is the perfect thing to warm your bones. Smell the aroma and feel the gentle heat of your house wrapping its arms around your whole body. Even though you are nestled nicely inside your blanket sipping your hot cocoa, through the window you can see more snowflakes gently falling to the ground, making just the slightest sound...shhhhhhhh. You can only hear it if you listen closely and there is no other sound in the room. The sound is gentle and smooth and it makes your eyes feel heavy. They fall too. All that is left is the sound of each unique snowflake falling freely from the sky to the earth, creating the most magnificent blanket for the ground. Your blanket is marvelous too. Your body is warm and secure. It feels like a hug from your favorite person is giving you a gentle squeeze. Winter is gentle and soft. Can you be gentle and soft too? With your words and actions? Yes, you can. But first, you must rest and rest well. In rest, we become gentle, loving, and kind. Let's continuing resting for a few more moments. Breathing in and out, shhing the same way the snowflakes do.

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