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The Most Common Mistake Beginners Make in a Yoga Class

One of the most common mistakes I see as a studio owner and teacher of 7 years?

  • It’s not alignment because what we “know” about alignment is pretty limited and arbitrary.

  • It’s not the way a student moves because beginner or advanced, a person generally moves in a way that is comfortable for them. Sure, they might need some guidance on listening to what their body is saying when they move, which leads to…

  • It is the attitude! Let me explain, the common attitude I see is one of comparison which leads to competition. It’s a competition that a student may not even consciously realize they entered! Often, though, after a few classes, they feel bad and like they aren’t doing yoga “right”. The most common mistake I see beginners make is the need to look outward, around the class, on the TV, etc. and not feel what is happening in their own body and mind. This in turn affects their own movement and possibly their perfect alignment because they are focused on what something should look like, rather than what a posture should feel like, right then and right there in their own body with their very individual circumstances and goals.

So how can you resist the urge to look all around the room at everyone else or compare yourself and your journey to theirs?

First, fully accept yourself as you are. There is nobody else like you! That is pretty awesome. Remember why you started yoga. What are you hoping to gain? Let that be your anchor, your intention throughout your practice. Lastly, find a place where cueing includes reminding you to do what feels right in your body and not worry about what it looks like. Yoga is about connecting to the Self, and part of that, is allowing yourself to listen and honor. We can’t do that if ego gets in the way and begs us to unfairly compare ourselves to the person next to us.

I love teaching people new to yoga because this is the most powerful lesson of all!

With love,
