Grow Kids

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How Can One Hour Change Your Life?

A student said this to me this week...

"Thank you for inviting me to think about myself. I am always doing and doing more for my family and I never give myself permission to come to class on my own. Without my kids. Just me as I am. Since you encouraged me to pick one day a week to just do it, I have felt calmer and more able to be the kind of mom I always envisioned I would be. And it is all because of a "class". My husband actually asked me what we do here!"

When she left, I got to thinking. What could I do if I gave myself some time to actually take care of myself? What would my life be like? 

Isn't that how it always is too? We are encouraging others to be mindful of all the emotional and physical energy they spend every day taking care of literally everyone else, and yet, we always find our cups empty too. 

I know you are exhausted carting the kids to all their activities. I know spring time is busy and the time change sucks and you want to make it to a yoga class for yourself but by the time you get a moment to catch your breath and even remember that you should take care of yourself, it is already well past bedtime. 

So, I am gonna do for you what I did for her! Let's come up with a plan. A concrete, real, not made-up plan.

  1. What is your immediate goal?

  2. Which day are you going to intentionally set aside and commit to doing the work?

  3. How are you going to enlist your support network to ensure your success? 

Keep it simple. To help with that overwhelm, here is what my student said:

  1. My immediate goal is to lower my physical stress and tension and to engage in self-work.

  2. Thursday evenings between 6-7 are my time for out of the home experiences (i.e. class in this case) and Saturday afternoons, I am setting aside for other relaxation efforts.

  3. My husband and I agree we both need to do this for our health and our family's health. We've planned some meals and love Grubhub to make meeting our goals easier.

This is a real student and she is such a great example of how simple committing to your own goals can be simple, yet powerful. Here's the thing, it is work. But most of the work is showing up. And this is the hardest part. Once you start, the results and the transformation get you hooked. 

So, the question is...what would your life look like if you showed up, set aside an hour or two a week, and started the work?

Would you have a clearer mind?

Would you wake up in the morning with a steady heart rate, unencumbered by tasks and anxiety?

Would you have more patience at the end of the day when your kid asks you for a PB&J for the nth time?

So, tell me! What would you do if you could begin that transformation now? Email me your challenges and I'll help you come up with a plan as best as I can!

With love,
