Grow Kids

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Helping Kids Feel Less Scared During the Coronavirus Pandemic

We are living in really scary times. All of us, around the world, are stressed, anxious, and uncertain. Our kids included. We haven’t been able to easily obscure the reality of what is going on. Everything has been upended, their routines included, which also has a safety in it. From not going to school or their homeschool classes, to businesses closing, to complete isolation, things are different and hectic. Their whole lives have been disrupted and it has been much more difficult to hide our conversations, the news, and our own fear. Top that off with the fact that very young children don’t really even understand what is happening. All they can sense is panic.

I’ve heard friends say that their kids have been crying, not sleeping, or otherwise feeling anxious. And it would be easy to say just turn off the news or get off the phone; you may even feel like you want to sometimes, but then there is important information and with all the rapid changes, it just isn’t really feasible. Our lives are drastically different than they were a mere week ago. So how can you help your child feel less scared during this pandemic?

First, it is important to understand that fear comes from a lack of control. We’ve effectively lost all control of our environments and our lives. It is human nature to want to have the reins of every facet, and right now, we just don’t. We have no end in sight, no certainty. When we can detach ourselves from the need to control, we remove the habitat in which fear lives and thrives.

This isn’t easy for me either. Just a week ago, I closed our studio doors, and I felt/feel fear too. What if this lasts too long and I have no studio to come back to? But when I relinquished control, I saw something new. I saw a chance to re-frame this experience. We can’t control if people listen to the mandates, if time moves too slowly, or if Karen down the street likes us. We can only control our own reactions and behaviors, and with that, I saw that I could be part of the solution-the ultimate seva.

Validate this in yourself and for your children. It really stinks that we cannot control things and if we could, we’d sure as hell not be as scared!

This can be really hard to describe to young children, so we need to have practical activities we can do to help them! Here are some way to help kids feel less scared during this time:

  1. First, validate them! Let them know that is perfectly normal to feel scared about all the sudden changes and that even adults feel scared too. They are human, and humans have complex feelings.

  2. Take 5 deep breaths. For little kids, place a stuffed animal on their belly and have them watch the animal go up and down for each breath. Older kids can imagine the swell of the ocean as they breathe in and out.

  3. Do some yoga poses that make you feel brave and strong. The warrior series are great, goddess pose, crow pose, and plank pose require strength. Reinforce how proud you of them trying new things!

  4. Think of 3 things that make you laugh. What better way to release fear than to make something scary into something funny? Tell them to imagine carrots tap dancing with top hats, or dogs ice skating, or their friend telling them a joke.

  5. Think of someone you love, like a family friend or a relative. Heck, you could even set up a Zoom meeting or Facetime.

  6. Research and get more info. Some people need information and facts. This is especially true for older kids, as long as they aren’t too anxious. There are great videos on YouTube explaining the virus and its mechanisms as well as how/why social distancing works.

Remind your child that these things wax and wane as well. Some days might be better than others, for you and them, and that is okay. Our lives might change drastically, but that is the nature of life. You’ll be there to guide and comfort them and together, we’ll get through this even if it is hard. Also, try not to worry too much about their schooling. This is a great time to bond, explore their interests, and relax a little. Learning happens multiple ways and getting stressed will only add on to the fear and stress.

Remember that you are their source of comfort and that is all you need to be right now!

If you’d like more support during this time and ways to feel less isolated, join our online group which has online yoga classes, community, free content, and great conversations.

Wishing you peace!


P.S. Don’t forget to print this cute sheet!