Grow Kids

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Halloween Meditation, Monster Mash Game, and Ghost Garland

Silly Bats Meditation

Halloween is a favorite at The Horrell House! A Halloween yoga class doesn't have to be terrifying! I came up with a meditation in a similar vein to the ones I teach in my "normal" kid's yoga classes. Instead of doing "scrambled mind” or "busy bird", our brains go fuzzy because of SILLY SCARY BATS!

Your yoga kids will have a blast doing this meditation while imagining chaotic, flying bats causing their minds and bodies to be silly! Before one can meditate, you gotta get all the wildness and sillies out!

How to do it:

  • Start seated like you are going to meditate

  • Then, make a spooky sound and ask if the kids hear it too

  • Stand up, cross your arms and cross your legs (like eagle pose) and duck your head

  • Emerge as a bat and fly around the room (be sure not to bump into each other)

  • Use your echolocation (clacking tongues) and go back to your cave (yoga mat)

Of course, like any kid's yoga class, you'll have to be flexible because you always get that one who just wants to do something else, or in this case BE someone else! After a round of three "silly bats", begin your "I am a calm kid" or whatever specific mantra that you use to encourage your students to calm their bodyminds and to become temporarily absent of thoughts.

Monster Mash Yoga Pose Game

A fun game to do to involve some asana (poses) and that can be done in costume is the Monster Mash dance! Play the classic song for your chilling zombies and vampires. Dance to the music with them. When it gets to the chorus, and you hear "The Monster Mash" call out a pose and do it with them! Optional: they can go with the flow and choose their own, if they are older and are familiar with the poses. And remember, switch sides too! So, if you do tree, be sure to balance on each leg.

Ghost Garland Craft

Print the following ghosts on cardstock or paper. Color if desired. Cut each ghost out and string twine or ribbon in the predetermined slots at the top of the craft. Hang up in a window or in room. Have fun!


All the scaries in me see all the scaries in you!