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3 Family Yoga Tips for Bedtime

Bedtime in my house has always been more difficult (or so it seems) from my peers. My kids are not, nor have they ever been, great sleepers. They are high-energy, don’t want to miss anything Gremlins…which is why we don’t feed them after midnight! I kid, I kid. In all seriousness, they did not inherit their sleeping patterns from me, and as a young mom, it was super difficult.

I was tired, frustrated, and had about had it a few years back. I started my own yoga practice during my first pregnancy and had been practicing (and teaching) for a good number of years when I reached my breaking point. It finally dawned on me that I could incorporate yoga into our bedtime/night routine and that maybe, just maybe, it would help them get into a more restful, ready-for-bed state.

The good news is that it has helped, but apparently, like many things that have to do with our weird human selves, there are some things that are largely dependent on genetics. Who knew? Anyway, these are the top three things that helped us get a little calmer before bed and absolutely help me feel more peaceful so that I can deal with my wildlings in a healthy and happy manner ;)

  1. Gentle seated stretches. Our bodies can be really sore by day’s end. Sometimes from exercise and sometimes from sitting. Kids don’t always know what muscle soreness feels like nor how to communicate it. Gentle stretches before bed help their muscles relax and alleviate discomfort. Some of my favorite poses to do with them are the typical “yin/moon” poses like pigeon, lizard on a rock, partner pretzel and legs up the wall.

  2. Breathing belly buddies. Long exhales are what calms the nervous system and allows the brain to slow down so that our bodies can follow. With modeling and props, little ones can start learning how to drag out their exhales. I like to put a stuffy or light Beanie Baby on their belly while they lay on their back. I tell them to make a big hill/bubble/ocean wave for their baby, but to protect their baby, the hill/bubble/ocean wave has to get smaller very slowly. And then, I count to 8! They really want to be gentle with their babies and this exercise helps them gain breath awareness while calming down. You can add scents like diluted essential oils on a cotton ball or in a diffuser if you’d like. Some people really like smelly things!

  3. Yoga nidra or yogic sleep. A practice all on its own, yoga nidra is similar to what most people think of as guided meditations. The goal is to feel so at ease and so peaceful that you’re simultaneously relaxed and energized. In the case of bedtime, we want to go to sleep, so I like to lead my kids though storytelling guided meditations with imagery they enjoy and that which signals to their brain that it is time to slow down. My go-to meditation involves a soft, fluffy cloud that flies them through the night sky. To listen, you can preorder here! You’ll enjoy it so much that you’ll be on the lookout for more-I highly recommend Myra’s.

I hope you enjoy some more sleepfull nights and that these tips help you!

In peace and kindness,


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