Best Children's Books for Kids Yoga Classes #1

There are tons of books out there that are fantastic and teach kids important social-emotional skills and even include yoga poses. This wasn’t always the case, but now it seems like there are a plethora of options (including my upcoming series!).

That said, I like to also use just regular old books for my kids yoga and kids movement classes-they don’t have to be “yoga” books. You can literally create entire sequences, movement stories, character development games, etc. from any book with just a little bit of creativity. By the way, this is something that we cover in our teacher training and mentorship. Anyway, back to the point! Here are some of my recent favorite books to read in class that are just great children’s fiction.

As always, I like to feature self-published authors so if you have suggestions, please comment below!

Solomon Cave and the T-Rex Bully by Azure Arther

I love this book for its beautiful writing and illustrations, its ability to make you feel like you have transported into a lush world, and for its lessons on assertiveness and finding friendship in the unlikeliest places. I am also a sucker for rhyme and factual information (names of dinosaurs, anyone?), which this book delivers.

Best ages: 3-8

Uni the Unicorn by amy krouse rosenthal

One of the most adorable books with unicorns, in my opinion. The palette of colors is soothing and exciting and reminds me of my favorite cartoons from the 80s and 90s (Care Bears, Rainbow Brite, My Little Pony) but with a modern feel. It is the perfect length for story time and I feel it is easy to come up with movement activities when reading.

Best ages: 3-10

Blueberries for Sal by robert mccloskey

This classic is just such a great book with its unique illustrative style, its making a moment of time between a parent and her child memorable, and the pure joy I feel, like the ability to feel the warm spring sun and breeze on my skin when I read it. I love using bear imagery and movements too so this book is on heavy rotation, especially if I have blueberries as a mindful snack available for extra fun.

Nerdy Birdy by aaron reynolds

My 12 year-old aspiring ornithologist introduced me to this book and I love it. So funny and witty, entertaining the whole time-it forces legitimate laughs. The greater message though, about self-acceptance and finding your flock of people who get you and accept you is one that kids really cannot hear enough. Bird-themed books, like bear-themed, are easy to adapt to yoga and movement classes, so have fun!

best ages: 5-12

Meet My Best Friend by joshua jernigan

It is important for kids to see representation of themselves not only in books and TV, but in the classes and programs they attend without it being presented as a secret or shameful. For that reason, I actively seek books that talk about and depict diverse character. Meet My Best Friend is a fantastic book for understanding how children’s trans classmates are just like them! They love pineapple on pizza (or don’t) and have dreams for when they are grown up too. I like to read this book and then do partner poses and partner games to reiterate the importance of empathy, commonality, and equity.

Best ages: 4-8

Your Name is a Song by Jamilah Thompkins-Bigelow

The last book on this list (there will be many more) is a beautiful lesson in ahimsa and illustrates how our words via apathy, can harm others. I love the educational aspect to this book as it celebrates the significance of the names. Also, the author has taken the time to share how to pronounce each name and what its meaning is. It is a great book to also introduce rhythmic movement and dance.

Best ages: 5-12

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