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Baby & Toddler Playgroups in Jax

Meeting other mom/dad/parent friends is really hard! Making random posts on Facebook seems like a good idea, but rarely has the follow-through that you are hoping for, am I right?

You might know that we are a “yoga for families” place, but we are also a “find your friends” place too. Our baby and toddler playgroups are the perfect opportunity to begin building your hive, introduce yoga to your children, and have designated, quality play together.

So what are our age-based playgroups for babies and toddlers?

Our playgroups are like a hybrid of a class and laid-back playdate. They are divided into age groups so that each kiddo will be playing alongside others who are developmentally similar, and so you can talk/chat about the specific joys and challenges of that particular stage of your baby’s/toddler’s growth! Important to note: these are capped at 8 pairs and are 6 weeks long. Minimum registrants of 4 people.

Structure of the baby and toddler playgroups looks like….

  • Montessori-inspired, facilitator-led activity that is developmentally appropriate and engages the whole child. Activities include things like bubble play, looking at ourselves with a safe mirror (infants), or matching peg dolls (15-20 minutes)

  • Music and movement! We’ll do a little bit of fun yoga poses, using a story or cards and songs. You do not have to have done yoga before! Yoga for families is all about fun play through movement and breathing! (10-15 minutes)

  • Guided talk/problem-solving if desired. Have a question that only other parents or our parenting experts can answer? Now is the time to delve deep. Peer support is the best! Potty training, infant feeding….SLEEP…any question goes. Our staff are experts in child development and in unbiased support.

  • Coffee/independent play. While you’re chatting, kiddos can play with our tumble mats, blocks, etc. Enjoy the company!

What are the ages of each playgroup?

  • Infants, led by Ajoa who is a new parent educator and postpartum doula, is for ages 2 months-9 months. Thursdays at 1. 6 weeks series.

  • Early toddler group is ages 9 months to 18 months. Mondays at 3. 6 weeks series.

  • Toddlers are ages 15 months to 24 months. Tuesdays at 1, Fridays at 3. 6 weeks series.

  • Preschoolers are ages 2-3 years old. Wednesdays at 3. 6 weeks series.

Take a look at the photos below for a visual reminder!