3 Benefits of Yoga for Caregivers💚

Being a parent, nanny, teacher...responsible person of another is exhausting.

"I often find myself at my wit's end and then feel really guilty about it but when I come here, I have a moment to rest and just be me."

One of my dearest friends and students recently said this to me. I wanted to tell them that they are doing awesome, that they shouldn't feel guilty, but I just said, "I know". 

Isn't that how it always is too? We sometimes don't have the most perfect words. After this conversation though, I got to thinking about why yoga is helping them and how important this news is. I feel compelled to share about it. 

  1. Increased patience. Yoga gives us patience. When we are on the mat, we learn to let time do its thing the way it does. We learn that consistency yields results and that we just have to breathe and wait. We cultivate patience that we can then extend to our children and those in our care.

  2. Inquisitiveness. Yoga helps us ask questions rather than react. It can be really easy to quickly react to situations that are stressful or (tiny) people who require our attention. Sometimes, our reactions are disproportionate to the situation. By asking questions and trying to get to the root of the problem, we lower our own stress and improve our relationships.

  3. Perspective. Our yoga practice reveals new perspectives that we may have not considered and which help us see our roles in the lives of those we love with more clarity.

All of these together mean that we are calmer, less stressed, and that our relationship and bond to those in our care are stronger and full of respect and love. And yea, yoga is such a large key!

So, tell me! What benefits do you think yoga might be able to offer you in your caregiving responsibilities?  DM me in our group and I'd be happy to chat with you about it!

With love,
